Viagra vs Cialis

Preferences for Cialis over Viagra is test results

To ascertain the preference of Viagra vs Cialis a test study used approximately 200 subjects. The doses were a variable amount of Sildenafil and 20 mg of Tadalafil.

Men trying Viagra started on 50 mg with the ability to up the dosage.


Patients took Cialis and Viagra arbitrarily with a 3 month exchange from one ED tablet to the other. At the end of the study period there were over 150 patients. They a choice over which ED tablet they wanted to continue using.

Viagra and Cialis price comparison

Just over 75% of the patients clearly chose Tadalafil-based Cialis over Sidenafil-based Viagra as their chosen ED tablet.

Another study used Viagra between 25 mg to 100 mg for a period of 6 weeks. Then it switched over to Cialis at a fixed strength of 20mg.

This experiment copied accepted clinical procedure. The output demonstrated that around 90% of the test subjects preferred Cialis vs Viagra.

Cialis vs Viagra UK study

Another study in the UK to document the preference between Cialis vs Viagra. Over 300 test subjects took part in the study lasting 3 months for each ED tablet.

The first 2 months experimenting with either Viagra or Cialis was the dose selection phase. Patients established the best dosage for each ED tablet. The subjects started with 25mg or 50mg of Viagra. They could increase the dosage to 100mg. Patients also began with 10mg of Cialis. They could increase the strength to 20mg if they chose to.

At the end of the 12 week lab study, stages with Viagra vs Cialis ended. The test subjects could choose which erectile dysfunction pill they preferred to stay with. 30% of the test subjects chose Viagra and 65% wanted to stay with Cialis.

The patient’s decisions did not appear to be influenced by

  • the sequence of trials,
  • degree of impotence experienced previously,
  • the men’s age or dosage of PDE5 inhibitor selected.

3% of the test subjects quit because of negative side effects. Less than one percent discontinued the study because of a lack of any significant positive result.

These 2 studies clearly prove that test subjects pick their favourite ED pill based on benefits experienced. However approaches utilized in these trials of ED tablets could have influenced the final selection of Viagra or Cialis.

Methodological test issues were noted. To name a few:

  • hiatuses in secrecy,
  • pattern of crossover,
  • multiple dose potencies and instructions.

The instructions changed because of food influencing the performance of Viagra vs Cialis.

Viagra vs Cialis comparison tests summary

As a consequence of the large uptake of Viagra and Cialis, the cost of ED tablets is diminished.

The three most popular ED tablets are a cost-effective method to treat most of cases of erectile dysfunction.

Being effective for a much longer period, Cialis is the most inexpensive erectile dysfunction tablet. This is particularly true if the impotence sufferer wants to use ED pills in a long-term capacity.

Cialis and Viagra continue to be a successful, easy to take, and cheap choice.

Both ED tablets composed of Sildenafil and Tadalafil, usually branded as Viagra and Cialis respectively, share the same characteristics as both effective and having few negative side effects by the most of users from these ED tablets.

It’s essential however, that a consultant notes the differences among these ED tablets when discussing the alternatives to individual patients. Only then can it could be guaranteed that each impotence sufferer gets the appropriate treatment for his requirements.

Despite the fact that the Viagra vs Cialis debate continues, Cialis maintains the lead. Nevertheless many erectile dysfunction treatment studies indicate that often Viagra might be the better choice.

Viagra vs Cialis with heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes

Initial tests with specific demonstrated that taking ED tablets show positive results with those who have diabetes, depression and heart disease.

EU guidelines permit the use of ED tablets, both Cialis and Viagra, to cure men with ED with cardiovascular illness. This does not include those who use nitrates at the same time.

One test study result indicated that there is over 70% positive result for subjects who took a ED tablet who were also at risk for cardiovascular disease.

There is a warning in place however against prescribing Viagra concurrently using alpha blockers for hypertension. Being on these medications together may increase the experience low blood pressure. Dosages of Viagra over 25mg should be stopped for patients currently taking alpha-blocker tablets daily.

Many believe Levitra is possibly helpful for subjects with high blood pressure and heart problems. Nevertheless there has yet to be definitive lab test results to validate this connection.

Studies indicate that using alpha blockers with Levitra is inadvisable.  First the user needs a constant pattern of alpha blocker intake.

In these cases the strongest dosage of Vardenafil is 5 milligrams. Even this modest dosage of this PDE5 inhibitor shouldn’t be used within 5 hours of using an alpha inhibitor.

Similar to Levitra, Cialis demonstrates identical results for men with hypertension. Same for cardiovascular disease risk factors and impotence and hypertension problems.

EU regulations

EU regulations state that alpha blocking blood pressure tablets and Cialis should not be used at the same time.

Nevertheless, one study using 20 subjects indicated that Cialis had little if any effect on hypertension for the men using the selective alpha blocker Tamsulosin.

ED tablets such as Levitra, Cialis and Viagra are beneficial for subjects who suffer from both diabetes and erectile dysfunction.

After using Viagra well more than 50% of the subjects of the test sample reported success.

Doses of Viagra ranged between 25mg and 100 mg letting the subjects of this lab test to choose for themselves which dose they considered to be appropriate based on how well the dosages worked in overcoming impotence and how well the patients took to Viagra.

With an alternate series of lab tests, men, who had both erectile dysfunction and type 2 diabetes, similar benefits where experienced with Levitra and Cialis with a 20mg dosage.

Reviews showed a 70% positive result with Cialis and 65% success rate for Levitra.

Review of side effects associated with Viagra and Cialis

Negative side-effects of ED tablets under discussion Viagra vs Cialis are not dis-similar.

Due to a result of vasodilatation of these ED pills, these are additional side effects:

  • myalgia,
  • blocked nose,
  • headaches
  • and impaired digestion.

One more side effect occasionally experienced with the use of ED tablets is hypo-tension.  Dizzy spells and lacking strength are the symptoms.

This side effect Viagra and Cialis taken in conjunction with the potassium blocker Nicorandil or nitrates. Consequently, do not combine ED tablets with nitrates or Nicorandl.

In reaction the American FDA has regulated that all instructions to inform consultants to halt proscribing ED pills to subjects who undergo a short-term loss in vision. Nevertheless, there has yet to be provable study reports that firmly connect the use of ED tablets with temporary visual impairment.

Additionally, there are differences in selectivity between Cialis and Viagra. The difference in pharmacokinetic characteristics between Cialis and Viagra may account for the differences in side effects, especially when it comes to understanding adverse side effects in vision.

Viagra vs Cialis response rates

Not all patients who suffer from erectile dysfunction respond positively to Viagra or Cialis.

One particular lab test used close to 132 users. Failure to respond to Viagra switched to successful response subsequent to psychological therapy for more than 50% of the patients. Erections still require sufficient sexual stimulus.

A few tests have shown that a few men who continue to be lack responsiveness to one ED pill achieve responsiveness to other ones. The reason is still unclear. Additionally, some subjects who experience a response failure to ED pills initially go on to find that a persistent use of ED medications can result in a decrease in incidence erectile dysfunction over time.

Many users are unresponsive to popular ED tablets, namely, Cialis or Viagra caused by a low level of the hormone androgen. To assist these cases hormone replacement therapy is usually advised after which the test subjects usually become responsive to ED tablets.

It is usually recommended that referral to erectile dysfunction specialists is the next step for users who fail to respond sufficiently to ED tablets such as Viagra and Cialis.

To summarise, Viagra vs Cialis lab tests have shown that by and large the majority of test subjects chose Cialis over Viagra as their preferred erectile dysfunction treatment of choice.